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Master History and Economics

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Country Studies 



One nation for which the results of such inequality studies have garnered considerable attention in recent years is South Africa, a nation long plagued by division and discrimination. While the field is still somewhat new and studies rather scarce, a handful of sources stand out as having been used as reliable estimates of incomes and wealth in South Africa... Read more here


Research concerning income inequality in Israel has some basic data problems to solve to achieve reliable results. This issue is due to the historical conditions (such as the frequent conflict) and political decisions of the state (concerning the deficiency of lingering and stable data-collecting policies).... Read more here



Although historical estimations suggest there was a recession in the late Qing dynasty, there is much confusion and contradiction the depth and timing of the recession. This contribution provides some deconstructed estimates of Chinese economic development between 1840 and 1912... Read more here 


When Singapore became independent in 1965, the island was an already established trading hub. However, the former British colony had little infrastructure, widespread unemployment, and low education levels. A key question for policymakers was how to overcome the constraint of the country’s size and “expand its economic space”... Read more here

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